

(*EBOOK*) Siddhartha

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(*EBOOK*) Siddhartha

Siddhartha Customer Reviews

  • 4.0 out of 5 stars from Longtime Mac User -- Caveat emptor if you are choosy about translations (Kindle version) : Wonderful book. Five stars, but I have to dock one star because of the way Amazon is handling the translations. If choosing the right translation matters to you, be aware that the Kindle version on Amazon is the Susan Bernofsky translation, no matter what the cover image shows or (seemingly) what the author information says on Amazon. After initially downloading a Kindle version (reasonable at 99¢) I found the translation to be awkward in places and wanted to compare others. The translator is not listed anywhere in the actual Kindle book. I determined, by searching on other websites, that I probably was reading the Susan Bernofsky translation. After doing some investigating, I decided I wanted to read the Hilda Rosner translation and looked for a Kindle version of that translation. Twice I thought I'd downloaded the preferred edition--once going by the cover, which matched the Rosner paperback, and once going by the fact that Rosner was listed along with Hesse as the author. Both times the downloaded copy turned out to be the Bernofsky. Caveat emptor. ( Reviewed in the United States on February 19, 2019 )
  • from Sj773Top Contributor: Gardening -- TOP 1000 REVIEWER : Incredibly Profound Book to read and reread! ( 5.0 out of 5 stars )
  • 1.0 out of 5 stars from K. B. A. -- Terrible Translation : I’m not a fan of bad reviews unless it truly is necessary. This is a terrible translation. I looked at a e-book edition from Google and it was fluid and beautifully translated. Do not buy this version. I wish I had read the reviews before this purchase and I will be asking for my money back from Amazon. ( Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2019 )
  • 1.0 out of 5 stars from Joanna Gawlik -- Tons of Typos - Extremely Disappointing Translation : The book itself is great and has a lot of value as a storyline, etc. However, DO NOT BUY THIS COPY OF THE BOOK. It is ridden with typos and poor grammar/sentence structure that are extremely distracting to the reader. You’d think four people translating would fix this problem, but maybe adding a fifth to proofread would be a good idea in future versions. ( Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2020 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Edil Ajibaev -- Thoughts inspired by Sidhartha : A good book is when the absorber of the read sees reflection of him/herself as in the mirror as it helps to understand one’s soul better, while helping it to grow. ( Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2018 )
  • 1.0 out of 5 stars from George Cole -- AVOID. Full of errors, terrible version of the text : A brilliant book but this is a horrible copy of the text. Buy a different version. This text contains spelling mistakes, sentences that make no sense, and, as shown in the photo, it looks like there's notes left in from the proof reader! It ruins the book. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 15, 2019 )
  • 4.0 out of 5 stars from Liam J Madden -- A Profound and Spiritually Uplifting Book : This is a simply stunning and beautiful book. The story is that of Siddarthar, a Brahimn's [near holy person] son who as he approaches the age of adulthood, decides to start a journey. It's a small book and yet it is a story that is simply told and spiritually uplifting. Sometimes you can read books and they have impact for different reasons. Siddartha is a book that stays with you for quite a while because it teaches you a lot in a very short period of time. It amazes me that a story from Herman Hesse, has such talent and beauty as I've only heard of his name before mentioned in a vague but knowledgeable manner. This is well worth reading as it would seem to be one of the most important books ever written. Many thanks Mr. Hesse. xx ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 17, 2018 )
  • 4.0 out of 5 stars from Kilt_monster -- A book which deserves it's fame : I'm someone who is always skeptical when people say 'Oh you must read *insert famous title here*' because I don't want to follow a crowd. However I must admit Siddhartha is worth it; short-ish, very succinct, but a deep story of how a boy with religious monk-hood leanings becomes a rich businessman, lover, father, then finally returns full circle to a very monk-like existence having achieved all the worldly things and put them aside again. Quite a profound look at personal enrichment and enlightenment and definitely a good one to get the brain whirring without being too deep or abstract. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 22, 2018 )
  • 5.0 out of 5 stars from Manendra -- Be Your Own Light ! : OSHO said about this book - ( Reviewed in India on July 10, 2018 )
  • 1.0 out of 5 stars from angrypierre -- Everything you hate about new age "wisdom" : Oh boy. I did not get on with this at all. This is the story of an arrogant know-it-all child, who gets steeped in a poorly understood western idea of Hinduism, tells the actual Buddha how to Buddhism, gets rich almost accidentally so he can have sex with a courtesan (the author appears to think this incredibly simple), become a gambling addict because he's too arrogant to appreciate anything he has, and then decided the only way he can learn anything (conveniently ignoring the many, many moral lessons he should have learned already) is to magic up the mysteries of the universe via one side conversations with an old man who may or may not be actual God, and a river. New age colonial nonsense from beginning to end. You'd be better off going and living in the woods yourself for a week for all the good it would do you. ( Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 7, 2021 )

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Siddhartha Gautama - Enciclopedia De Historia Mundial Siddhartha (Novela) - Wikipedia Siddhartha: Una Novela: Hermann Hesse, Hilda Rosner ... Buda Gautama - Wikipedia Siddhartha: Guía De Estudio | Sparknotes ¿Quién Es El Buda? - La Historia De Siddhartha Gautama Siddhartha De Hermann Hesse - Goodreads Siddhartha | Introduction & Summary | Britannica Siddhartha: Full Book Summary | Sparknotes Pdf Siddhartha By Hermann Hesse - Full Text Archive Siddhartha Gautama (más conocido como el Buda, lc 563 - c. 483 a. C.) fue, según la leyenda, un príncipe hindú que renunció a su posición y riqueza para buscar la iluminación como asceta espiritual, logró su objetivo y, al predicar su camino hacia otros, fundaron el budismo en la India en los siglos VI-V a. C. Los acontecimientos de su vida son en gran parte legendarios, pero se le considera un verdadero ... Siddhartha : An Indian Poem (en alemán: Siddhartha : Eine Indische Dichtung; en alemán: ()) es una novela de 1922 de Hermann Hesse que trata sobre el viaje espiritual de autodescubrimiento de un hombre llamado Siddhartha durante la época del Buda Gautama. El libro, la novena novela de Hesse, estaba escrito en alemán, con un estilo lírico y sencillo. Se publicó en los EE. UU. En 1951 y se volvió influyente durante la década de 1960. Es la historia de la búsqueda de Siddhartha , un rico brahmán indio que abandona una vida de privilegios y comodidades para buscar la plenitud espiritual y la sabiduría. En su viaje, Siddhartha se encuentra con ascetas errantes, monjes budistas y comerciantes exitosos, así como con una cortesana llamada Kamala y un simple barquero que ha alcanzado la iluminación. El Buda Gautama, conocido popularmente como el Buda o el Señor Buda (también conocido como Siddhattha Gotama o Siddhārtha Gautama o Buda Shakyamuni), fue un Śramaṇa que vivió en la antigua India (hacia los siglos VI al V a. C.) o (hacia los siglos V al IV a. C.) AEC). Se le considera el fundador de la religión mundial del budismo, y la mayoría de las escuelas budistas lo veneran como un salvador, el Iluminado que redescubrió ... Siddhartha es una novela de Herman Hesse publicada por primera vez en 1922. Resumen Lea nuestro resumen completo de la trama y el análisis de Siddhartha , desgloses escena por escena y más. El Buda, o Siddhartha Gautama, nació alrededor del 567 a. C., en un pequeño reino justo debajo de las estribaciones del Himalaya. Su padre era un jefe del clan Shakya. Se dice que doce años antes de su nacimiento, los brahmanes profetizaron que se convertiría en un monarca universal o en un gran sabio. Para evitar que se convierta en un asceta, su ... Siddhartha is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha. The book, Hesse's ninth novel, was written in German, in a simple, lyrical style. It was published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960's. Siddhartha, novel by Hermann Hesse based on the early life of Buddha, published in German in 1922. It was inspired by the author's visit to India before World War I. Hermann Hesse, 1957. SUMMARY: The theme of the novel is the search for self-realization by a young Brahman, Siddhartha. Siddhartha. Siddhartha, the handsome and respected son of a Brahmin, lives with his father in ancient India. Everyone in the village expects Siddhartha to be a successful Brahmin like his father. Siddhartha enjoys a near-idyllic existence with his best friend, Govinda, but he is secretly dissatisfied. He performs all the rituals of religion ... "Govinda," Siddhartha spoke to his friend, "Govinda, my dear, come with me under the Banyan tree, let's practise meditation." They went to the Banyan tree, they sat down, Siddhartha right here, Govinda twenty paces away. While putting himself down, ready to speak the Om, Siddhartha repeated murmuring the verse: Om is the bow, the arrow is soul,#1# Siddhartha Is A Novel By Hermann Hesse That Deals With The Spiritual Journey Of Self-Discovery Of A Man Named Siddhartha During The Time Of The Gautama Buddha. Rating: 4 642,577 Votes 723K Followers, 1036 Following, 1596 Posts - See Instagram Photos And Videos From Siddhartha (@Iamsiddhartha) Siddhartha Is A Novel By Herman Hesse First Published In 1922. Summary. Read Our Full Plot Summary And Analysis Of Siddhartha, Scene By Scene Break-Downs,  Siddhartha Also Saw An Ascetic, A Monk Who Had Renounced All The Pleasures Of The Flesh. The Peaceful Look On The Monks Face Would Stay With Siddhartha For A  Siddhartha, Novel By Hermann Hesse Based On The Early Life Of Buddha, Published In German In 1922. It Was Inspired By The Author's Visit To India Before Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse Siddhartha (@iamsiddhartha) • Instagram photos and videos Siddhartha: Study Guide | SparkNotes Siddhartha Gautama Siddhartha | Introduction & Summary | Britannica siddhartha movie siddhartha buddha siddhartha summary siddhartha audiobook siddhartha goodreads siddhartha meaning siddhartha reading

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